Self Help
We know how important it is to have somewhere to turn or something to focus on when you need some extra support. It’s also important to learn how to help yourself on your journey to good mental and emotional health.
So, here are some great tools and information that may be useful for you.

General Wellbeing
Every Mind Matters | One You (
A website full of expert advice and practical tips to help you look after your mental health.
Five Ways to Wellbeing
A guide to improving your mental and emotional wellbeing in five simple steps
Mental Health Foundation Podcasts
A collection of podcasts looking at all aspects of wellbeing from sleep to mindfulness.

Breathe 2 Relax
This free app will help you learn breathing techniques to relieve the effects of stress on your body.
A mix of articles, guides and books explaining the causes of stress and how to tackle it.
Online activities and games to help you overcome negative thoughts and stress by forming positive new habits.

CBT Thought Management Diary
A free mood and thought journal app to help and support your cognitive behaviour therapy journey.
Self help for Anxiety Management App (SAM)
SAM is a free, user friendly app that offers a range of self-help methods to help you manage your anxiety.
This website features articles, guides and books explaining the causes of anxiety and how to deal with it.

NHS Audio guides
A series of useful guides covering a range of topics to help relieve low mood, anxiety or depression.
Mood Tools
A free, easy to use app to help tackle depression via six effective tools.
A useful website featuring links to books, apps and other tools to help you overcome depression.

Mindfulness & Relaxation
A popular and simple to use app to help you relax and improve your sleep through meditation.
The Mindfulness App
An app designed to teach everyday mindfulness and meditation techniques to help you relax.
One of the most popular meditation and sleep support apps which teaches relaxation techniques.

Living with a long term health condition
Reading Well
A collection of books recommended by people with lived experience and health professionals that are free to borrow.
This website features links to books, apps and other tools to help you manage your health condition.
TED Talks
This inspiring talk is one of many that explore how you can see your health condition in a different way. Use search terms such as mental health, health condition or wellbeing to find more talks.