Recovery is about building a meaning and satisfying life. The work we undertake moves away from focusing on illness and symptoms, and instead looks at health, strengths and weaknesses. Hope and a desire to make positive change is central to Recovery and we support people to discover how they can have more control over their lives.
Our Recovery ream offers longer term support to help you get your life back on track. We'll work with you to develop your skills in self care and self management in a way that works for you.

Who is it for?
Lots of people benefit from our Recovery service in lots of different ways.
We could support you if you have been or are currently:
- Feeling overwhelmed and not knowing where to turn
- Finding it difficult to gain access to services
- Struggling with money or housing
- In contact with Crisis Services or been to the hospital because of your mental health
- Unsupported in terms of your mental health
- Struggling with the way you cope such as using alcohol, drugs or hurting yourself in some way
Your needs will be discussed with a worker to determine if our support is right for you. There might be occasions where we suggest more specialist services as an alternative which are more appropriate for you.

How we can help
You will work 1-1 with an allocated worker to look at different areas in your life where you are finding life difficult. Together you will make a plan and find solutions on what is important to you to get your life back on track. This will include working with other specialist services to help support you with a particular difficulty. For example we will partner with Citizens Advice if you need advice around benefits or Thirteen if you have concerns around housing.
The number of sessions you have will be agreed with your worker depending on what you need although people usually work with the service for around six months.
You might meet your worker in one of our buildings, in the community or at home if you find it difficult to access a building.
Find out more
To find out more call 01642 573924 or complete the referral form.